Is Your Business Losing Valuable Leads?

As I was looking the bulging stream it reminded me of leads flowing into a business and how online business owners could be losing leads by not tracking and testing so I decided to shoot this video

The example that comes to mind is a sign up form for a free download or a webinar.  You may promote this to your list and split test it and track it and all is wonderful.

Then you start your paid advertising with the best performing page, create hundreds of adverts and targets but at the end of the campaign you notice it has not worked so well - infact you have wasted money.

That is because you cannot expect a page or a process to a cold list to work the same for a warm list of contacts.

You might also find specific sign up call to actions on your website work better than others, of course that depends on the type of traffic you are attracting to your website.  Also some adverts and lead magnets work better to certain segments, sexes, or age groups.

So how do you make sure that leads are not going missing in your business?

The answer is to segment, test and test again.

With the beauty of Thrive Themes, Leadpages and Clickfunnels you can easily promote multiple pages to multiple segments, test, track and modify these pages without recreating the planet earth every time.

​It depends on your list manager and your tool of choice, but here are some metrics you should be tracking:

  • Opt in Rate on the page
  • Open and click thru rate on your broadcasts
  • Cost per lead on any advertising (split test by advert and segment)
  • If it is a launch - how many people bought as a percentage of visits to the sales page
  • If it is a launch - how many cold advertising leads purchased versus the cost per lead

I like to create a dashboard with the specific metrics whether it be by promotion or funnel or general website signups.

If you would like assistance in getting your metrics right or analysing a specific launch or Facebook advertising campaign, I will give you a free audit and 30 minute call - just click on the button below and leave your details and I will be in touch.

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