3 Keys to Create Killer Content | Platform Building Tip 5

Part of building a successful platform is the ability to create content regularly that inspires and engages with your audience.  In this video and article I discuss 3 keys to help you do this.

While some say "Killer Content" is what sells.  I think Killer Content is what builds the trust and authority of a brand.  It inspires and solves a problem for your audience and moves them to "take the next step" in their relationship with you.

Note - this type of content is different to sales content.  In future videos we will discuss how to leverage and distribute your content to get the widest audience possible.

So here are the 3 keys:

Key 1 - Address a specific pain point or aspirational point

You can make this type of content specific.  Actually the more specific the better.  You can address individual pain points or aspirational points of your audience.

In the video I give some examples, so think about what specific problems your audience are facing and write down a list.  You will be amazed how this feeds into the other platform building tips that I have shared, for example how it will strengthen and refine your messaging.

Key 2 - Share a Story or Example

Even better than a particular story is to share YOUR story.  However, in this area you can use a proverb, an illustration, a piece of research.  Anything really that will help the listener to see the problem/goal from a different perspective.

Some things are inspirational and some are contemplative.  Whatever it is, we want to encourage our audience and give them hope that help is available, or that their goal is possible for them to achieve.

Key 3 - Apply the information

Don't assume a person will understand the meaning of something.  When you apply the information, this is what establishes your authority in your space.  I will help bring the information down to their specific situation.

It also enables you to have a "call to action" and lead them to a next step with you.

It does not matter if you are an author, course creator, therapist or sell products, applying the information enables you to give your audience "the next step" in reaching their goal or solving their problem.

Note - it is perfectly fine to have calls to actions like joining a group or just subscribing to a newsletter.  Be careful of not always "pitching" something when you are doing information based content.

The benefits of creating content

This method will enable people to connect and consume you without having the pressure to book a call, or buy from you. 

It is an essential part of your eco-system that will engage new people and start building that relationship with them.

Stay tuned for the next video where I will share how to create a Content Recipe and start leveraging your content to reach a wider audience.

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