Now is the Time to Use Video in Your Marketing

People are changing their "consumption habits," with a dramatic shift toward video over any other form of content. Even podcasts today often have a video version. If you are a business, coach, therapist, author, or content creator, video is the best way to grow and engage with your audience. In today's video, I discuss why this is the case, and if you're still hesitant about incorporating video into your strategy, I will help you overcome those doubts and capitalize on the opportunities that video marketing presents.

The Power of Video Marketing

All major social media platforms are now prioritizing video content. From TikTok to Facebook Reels, Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and even LinkedIn, video has become the preferred medium for consuming information. This shift reflects how social media has evolved into a broader media landscape, where engagement is no longer just about likes and comments—it's about capturing attention.

The rise of these video-centric formats means that to stay relevant and connect with your audience, embracing video is essential. Whether you’re promoting a product, offering services, or sharing knowledge through online courses, video marketing allows you to build trust and establish authority in your field.

Overcoming Resistance to Video Marketing

It’s common to feel resistance when faced with the idea of putting yourself or your brand on video. You might feel that social media is cluttered with low-quality content or that you don't want to follow the trends of dance challenges and viral antics. But the very reason you may feel discomfort is the reason you should be creating video content—there’s a need for authentic voices, for people who can deliver meaningful, valuable messages in the digital space.

By showing up as yourself, you can reach the people who need what you offer. Video provides a unique opportunity to connect with those who are looking for solutions, whether they’re struggling with life decisions, seeking professional help, or searching for motivation.

Video as a Key to Building Relationships

The beauty of video marketing lies in its ability to create a personal connection. In the age of large-scale influencers, there’s an increasing demand for micro-influencers—people like you who can give individual attention and offer tailored advice or solutions. While big influencers may capture attention, smaller creators have the opportunity to build trust and loyalty with a dedicated audience.

By stepping into video marketing, you’re not just adding to the noise—you’re standing out as someone who offers real value. This is your chance to cut through the distractions and speak directly to your audience, drawing them into your ecosystem and building lasting relationships.

Embrace Video to Stand Out

If you’ve been reluctant to start using video in your marketing efforts, now is the time to change that mindset. The resistance you feel can be transformed into motivation to offer something different—something positive and helpful in a crowded digital world.

Consider what frustrates you about the current social media landscape and turn that into your unique advantage. By offering authenticity, expertise, and a genuine desire to help others, you can make a real impact with video marketing.

Stay tuned for more tips on how to build trust, capture attention, and create compelling content that resonates with your audience. And if you’re ready to take the plunge, join my free Authentics group on Facebook, where I share exclusive content to help you succeed in the online space.

Now is the time to use video in your marketing—don’t let the opportunity pass by.

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