Let's Get it Done for You!
Get the right foundation in place and start building your online presence.
My moto is "Just Get it Done". Whether you have a marketing strategy or need one, let me help you get clear and get it in place.
Then we will help you track it and improve it.
My obsession with business was passed down to me from my Grandfather and Father - it's in my DNA. Both were young ethnic men who moved to Australia in the fifties for a better life, and that life came as a result of working hard in business.
I did not realise this until recently. My early working life I gained incredible experience in IT, Managerial Accounting and Systems implementation. However in my different roles, I was always drawn to the business improvement and operations side of things. But there was something missing, I continued to work in different roles and on occasion as a consultant to businesses but knew that was not my calling.
It was not until I worked for an Accounting firm that I helped to double the turnover in a period of 18 months that I realised that there was a need for good solid sound business advice. It was then that a dull roar inside of me started. Then came along the online business model. No bricks and mortar, no standard business plans and huge capital outlays. The dotcom bubble was a crazy thrill ride to watch.
I started working with internet marketers purely from a technical implementation perspective - it worked well and I loved it. I worked on start ups to large promotional campaigns - I was a free agent spending my days working with technology and helping clients do cool stuff on the internet - it was an awesome experience but I got lazy. I was living a laptop lifestyle, my wife Karletta and I travelled and worked extensively. I had a website that I had not updated for 8 years because I did not need it - my business came from referrals.
It was during this time that the "roar" inside of me would growl every time I saw badly implemented strategies. It was soul destroying to see people get sucked into "get rich quick" schemes and start a business without applying the most basic of business principles.
I began to realise (and it is even more applicable now) that the online business world was not immune to the fundamental business laws of universe. As I worked on successful promotions I saw the need to properly research, test and track - just like in a normal business.